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Panel dyskusyjny Fundacji AMicus Europae podczas 5-ego Concordia Summit w Nowym Jorku

Fundacja Amicus Europae zorganizowała w dniu 2 października w ramach Concordia Summit w Nowym Jorku dyskusję panelową pt. "Ukraiński dylemat" 
While Ukraine’s fight for its sovereignty continues on the frontlines of its Donbas regions, the country faces perhaps a more important battle, one of creating a reformed market economy, fighting corruption, improving accountability and transparency, developing a sustainable democracy, and advancing the institutionalization of the rule of law. This session will focus on economic infrastructure and democratic development as means to rebuild a sustainable future for Ukraine.
The 2015 Concordia Summit will convene a diversity of opinions to discuss the power of partnership in tackling timely issues from counter extremism and food security to human trafficking and crisis response. Previous Concordia Summits have brought together over 2,000 participants, including current and former heads of state, international and US-based Fortune 500 C-suite executives, prominent nonprofit leaders, and senior Congressional and Administration officials. As the world turns its attention to New York City during the week of the General Debate of the United Nations General Assembly, the Concordia Summit offers an extraordinary opportunity to weigh in on the most relevant issues of our time.