An excerpt of the article published in the 1/2 2017 issue of Myśl Socjaldemokratyczna, written by Przemysław Potocki and Sławomir Wiatr. The paper provides a preliminary summary of the research conducted as part of the project conducted by The Aleksander Kwaśniewski Foundation Amicus Europae (FAE) and The Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS). The article presents a selection of quotes and opinions expressed during the workshops, seminars and individual interviews.
Polish–German cooperation in strengthening European Policy towards the East
While discussing the possibilities of strengthening Europe’s Eastern policy in the context of Polish-German relations, it should be noted that for the past several years this task has been extremely challenging. On the one hand the creation of the Eastern Partnership of the European Union in 2008 seemed to be a success of Poland and Sweden, with strong support from Germany. On the other hand, the Kremlin’s policy to increase Vladimir Putin’s influence in Russia and the former Soviet republics, together with multiple challenges in the European Union, have made the process extremely difficult.
This paper aims to draw attention to the possible grounds for Polish-German cooperation towards Ukraine and other countries within the Eastern Partnership (EaP). While celebrating 25 years of Polish-German partnership, it is worth considering what these countries have in common and what they can possibly do together for the democratic and stable development in the post-Soviet area.
Publikacja FAE/FES “For a European Progressive Eastern Policy”
Autor: FAE/FES |
Publikacja pt. “For a European Progressive Eastern Policy” jest zbiorem refleksji z Polski, Niemiec, Holandii oraz Rumunii nt. wyzwań związanych z polityką wshodnią Unii Europejskiej. Jest wynikiem szeregu spotkań dyskusyjnych ekspertów i polityków, zorganizowanych przez Fundację Amicus Europae, Max van der Stoel Stichting oraz Fundację im. Friedricha Eberta.
Tezy zawarte w ww. analizach będą stanowiły punkt wyjścia do dalszej dyskusji nad wyzwaniami wspólnego sąsiedztwa w 2016 r.